Thursday, February 24, 2011

LOVE my job!

February is all about the LOVE right? 

So this post is dedicated to 

the top 5 reasons

the Sailor Studio gals LOVE 

their job:

5. Working with family (although sometimes stressful) sure beats working with people like this...


Not to say we aren't without our characters... but at least when my mom comes in looking like someone off that 70s show, I can make fun of her and not feel too bad about it... 

4. Enamel on Copper is a great art form for spastic people like us...  if we make earrings that don't turn out like we want....  we can take 'em back and change them into something totally different: 

 BEFORE                            AFTER

3. We can  bring our kids to work.... 

which sometimes leads to stuff like this happening in the common area....

But at least we save money on childcare ;)

2. If we get bored we can get up and spend an hour or so stretching and acting ridiculous... and capture it all in a goofyphotomontage:


.... and the number 1 reason we love our job:

the amazing support we have gotten from all our family and friends! We've just reached 300 fans on our Facebook page, and we got our first Etsy sale this week (pretty good for only having 9 items up so far :) 

Thanks y'all!! 

You guys rock! =)


  1. Hi! I have just recently found your blog!! Love it too! I love the look on the little man's face! He looks so sorry for making that mess!! Bless his heart!

    I've awarded you with a blog award! Visit Kortney's Krazy Life at to claim your award and view the rules!! Have a great day!!!

  2. This is hilarious: Thanks for making me laugh! Found you over the Girl Creative Hop! Happy weekend Stefanie

  3. New follower from the Friday Blog Hop!
    I hope you get a chance to stop by my blog,

    Me, Him and the Cats

  4. Congrats on your first sale! Love the pics on the header! Following now from Friday blog hop!

  5. Ya'll really are too cute! Is it bad that I would love to work with Dwight?! What is wrong with me, lol.
    Stopped over from the Boost my Blog hop and glad I did. Have a great Saturday!
